Death By Miles, then chocolate

This morning I woke up (super early to my Pacific timed body clock) to run 6 miles along the Gulf of Mexico. My calves were really tight from yesterday’s 10 miler so I planned on taking it easy. It was still dark but, I was going to run along the water path anyways so I was out the hotel door by 6:30am.

I identified Kelly outside the hotel and jumped in with her for a few miles. She had me going at a 8:11 pace for the first mile!
Mes vidéos les plus récentes

Puis elle était partie – critique de livre
A good listen – book and Podcast review series
Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell – available on Audible, Amazon or wherever books are sold.

Is ‘Then She Was Gone’ a good listen? Voici ma critique!

For a lot more reviews, links and suggestions check out

Plus de vidéos

0 secondes de 4 minutes, 20 secondes

Athlète Running Shorts Review.mp4


Finally the sun came up, she kept going and I headed back home. I love exploring new areas on foot!

When I got back to the hotel I found pastries, fruit, yogurt and coffee ideal off the elevator on our floor. I guess we’re staying on the Penthouse floor so there’s some great perks!

I made myself a breakfast and took pleasure in it on the balcony.

I know I am so lucky to be able to travel and see all these remarkable places and people. I’m very, very grateful this morning.

I couldn’t take pleasure in the views for long because we had a group run schedule with Chris Lieto himself! We donned our Refuel gear…

These are the other bloggers on this trip (minus one): Kelly, Ben and Michelle

Then, we took off! Chris joked that we were going to do an easy 5:50 pace to start.

Well, I thought he was joking. I learned that’s his severe face when the people took!

Actually, they were going about a 7:30 something pace to start, but I only go that fast in a car. I held on as long as I could until I got my ass handed to me and slowed down.

This is Monica.

This is Monica getting her azz handed to her being lapped.

It was 4 miles of humiliation. So, I made a decision to drown myself in the brown waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

But the team convinced me not to give up just yet because there was a light at the end of the tunnel….

And it involved chocolate.

Seriously though, my baby cows are incredibly tight from yesterdays run then plane sitting for hours. I’m hoping the makeshift ice bath in the water will help a bit?

And running with Chris and the people was an eye opener. I was about to hold a 7:30ish pace for 1 mile at least! I need to get it together.

From there we were off to lunch, the expo and press conference. a lot more in a bit!

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